The Prophet Muhammad

Allah, the one and only and the Almighty, starting from the first messenger prophet Adam until the last messenger prophet Mohammad (PBUH), has chosen many people to introduce and remind the religion of Islam to mankind.

All the holy religions today, that we think are different are actually just different versions, ways or methods of the same religion. The one and only Creator has only one religion and the name of this religion is Islam.

All the holy messages inform us about the one and only Creator Allah. It commands people to avoid making the same mistakes and to worship the creator. Because almost all of the previous sacred texts were distorted, and the holy message was changed, the belief in only one creator was sent once again through the Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) for the last time, but for the last time.

His Life Briefly

Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) was born in Mecca, 571 years after the birth of Prophet Jesus.

Since his father had died before he was born, he never saw him. Having lost his mother when he was six years old, the messenger of Allah grew up under the protection of first his grandfather and then his uncle.

He married Khadija at the age of 25. They had two boys and four girls. Their marriage lasted for 25 years until the death of Khadija. Their sons passed away at a young age.

At the age of 35, he took food and something to drink during Ramadan and started to retreat himself in a nearby cave. This was a rare tradition carried out by those who followed the religion of the Prophet Abraham (Hanifs)

During the month of Ramadan, he received the first revelation from the angel Gabriel and that was “read”.

When the first revelation came, he and his wife went to Waraka for consultation. Waraka was a Christian who knew the previous celestial religions but was now blind due to old age. Hearing the situation, he said that Mohammad was the expected prophet and that if he could, he would help him, but he passed away shortly after.

The Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) was sent as a messenger of the supreme creator Allah and would tell people only to believe in Allah and to worship him and not people or idols. His family and some of his friends accepted this message immediately, and this new religion soon began to spread. The pagans of Mecca, who did not feel threatened at the beginning, after seeing that this religion was spreading rapidly, and people were leaving the handmade idols, saw this as a danger and in no time began the verbal and physical attacks.

Approximately 10 years later, Muslims could no longer live in Mecca because of the persecution that they were facing so after the permission of Allah to migrate, they migrated first to the lands now where Ethiopia is and then to Medina. The people of Medina had accepted Islam before they came, so they treated the Prophet (PBUH) and those close to him very well and expressed their loyalty to him. As a result of this sharing and unity, the Islamic State was established in Medina.

The pagans of Mecca continued to increase their attacks. There were wars between Muslims and the pagans.

Six years after the Hegira, the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), gathered the Muslims for Umrah, as an obligation of religion. They only took enough arms to protect themselves, and they set out on their way the way to Mecca, with Ihram (no armor). Although the pagans in Mecca first tried to stop them in different ways, they feared the situation when they saw the devotion of Muslims to their cause and wanted to make a peace agreement. The Prophet accepted the peace agreement and returned without carrying out the Umrah that year.

Those who learned the religion of Islam from the messenger of Allah went to the neighboring cities to explain the religion of Allah, and thus the number of those who accepted Islam increased rapidly. Within a few years, the Arabian Peninsula was almost entirely Muslim.

10 years after the Hegira, Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) stated that he wanted to do a pilgrimage and told those who wanted to join him to get prepared. Hearing this news, 120,000 people attended this blessed journey. The first and last pilgrimage service of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) was visually recorded in the minds of 120 thousand people, which was then was written down on books and forwarded to future generations never to be forgotten or damaged.

Three months after the farewell pilgrimage, the last messenger sent by Allah said goodbye to this world.

Peace and blessings be upon him, his family and friends.